QiLi Dance | 琦丽舞蹈


About Us

About QiLi Dance Studio

After years of dreaming of passing on the beautiful culture of Chinese dance, 琦丽 QiLi Dance Studio started in 2023. We at QiLi Dance Studio are committed to representing the diverse ethnic groups of China while embracing the modern influences in our culture today. Our vision is to provide a quality dance education for all ages. Our classes start from age 4 through adult. One way we are able to accomplish this is by performing at many cultural events and festivals in the Austin area.



Owner and Director Aimee QiLi was born in YongZhou Hunan (永州 湖南), China. She began dancing over 16 years ago and has been dancing since. In 2018, she graduated from the April Rain School of Chinese Dance under Master Xiwei Chen. She holds a degree in Western dance and teacher certifications in Chinese ethnic folk dance from the Pan American Chinese Dance Association (PACDA) under Beijing Dance Academy. Over the years, she has performed for the Austin community, including cooperation with the City of Austin, Austin Chinese American Network (ACAN), and many others in support of the Chinese community. She has also performed competitively and professionally, her most recent professional performance being with the company Blue Lapis Light. She has taught Chinese ethnic dance for the last four years. Her goal is to preserve and pass on the beauty of Chinese culture through dance to future generations. Chinese dance has inspired her greatly, and she hopes it will inspire others by providing a connection to China’s rich history and culture.

琦丽出生在湖南永州。她一岁时就随父母移居来美国。在奥斯丁长大, 琦丽从四岁就开始学习中国舞蹈, 并且在其中逐渐找到了对中国文化的血脉归属。近二十年来,怀着对中国民族舞蹈的热爱和对传扬中国文化的执着,琦丽在奥斯丁地区积极参与了多项大型舞蹈演出, 其中包括与奥斯丁政府合作演出, 专业舞蹈公司 Blue Lapis Light, 以及多项 ACAN  (Austin Chinese American Network)  活动演出。舞蹈教学方面,琦丽拥有在奥斯汀的中国舞蹈学校四年的一线教授经验(中国民间和古典舞蹈)。同时她也取得了西方舞蹈学位以及由中国民族民间舞考级中心颁发的1-9级教学资格证书。在教学宗旨方面,琦丽自小就深受中国舞蹈的熏陶和启迪。所以她衷心的希望可以分享自己的经历,把中国舞蹈的美以及其背后博大的文化底蕴传递给拥有相同兴趣的伙伴以及下一代小朋友。热爱是最好的老师,琦丽诚挚地希望与大家一起分享中国舞蹈的美好。